
lunedì 23 marzo 2015

School involved

// March 4th, 2015: 200 days in USA. //

Venerdì 6 marzo c'è stata una gita all'università, una giornata teatrale che fanno ogni anno. Siamo partiti alle 8:30 circa da scuola e una volta arrivati li abbiamo avuto donuts e acqua prima di partecipare a delle attività che si sono svolte fino all'ora di pranzo. Io ho deciso di fare teatro improvvisato e quindi dovevamo creare delle scene sul momento.

Per pranzo siamo andati in un posto particolare dove per ordinare devi utilizzare un telefono fisso posto accanto al tavolo e da bere ho avuto root beer e gelato, era buono!

Quando siamo tornati indietro c'è stato lo spettacolo, Adamo ed Eva, non finiva più, infinito! Alla fine siamo tornati a scuola verso le 4 e sono rimasto in auditorium perchè la sera alle 7 PM ci sarebbe stato lo spettacolo di drama. Siamo andati a comprare del cibo per la crew durante le ultime prove pre spettacolo. Lo spettacolo era Watson, ad alcuni non era piaciuto, in alcuni punti non era esilaranti ma in altri era anche divertente ed era uno spettacolo difficile da fare se considerato il nostro palco e tutti i cambiamenti di scena indispensabili. Sabato sono tornato a guardare lo spettacolo dato che era l'ultima sera e volevo supportare la crew.

Lunedì a scuola c'è stato il concerto di coro alle 7:30 PM, mentre il giorno dopo alla stessa ora c'è stato quello di band; devo dire che tra i due mi è piaciuto di gran lunga quello di band, è stato molto divertente. Mercoledì ho avuto una field trip di matematica, quindi praticamente spring break era gia cominciata! Siamo andati in un posto dove con un tablet abbiamo generato delle personalità adulte e noi dovevamo gestire i soldi di queste persone.

Giovedì, primo giorno di Spring Break verso le 11:30 la mia amica è venuta a prendermi a casa, abbiamo fatto un piccolo giro da Walmart perchè mi servivano un paio di occhiali da sole (che dopo solo tre giorni mi hanno grattato in Messico ma ok) e poi siamo andati a casa di amici per guardare Harry Potter 5, yes ahaha. Dopo abbiamo cazzeggiato un po e verso le 4:30 PM mi hanno portato a casa. Venerdì non c'è stato un gran da fare, ci siamo preparati le valigie per il Messico perchè alle 4:30 del mattino successivo avremmo dovuto lasciare casa con destinazione aeroporto.

Next: Mexico - Spring Break!

- Cris

martedì 3 marzo 2015

Casper, Wyoming

Thursday night I left the house at 6:30 PM and I arrived in Cheyenne at something like 8 PM. I spent the night at Irem's house, so when I got there we went in the basement and saw a movie, dark skies, and honestly it wasn't scary at all, it's supposed to be horror but it was kinda stupid and the end did not make any sense, but whatever. In the morning we left at 10 and drove to Douglas where Anita was waiting for us. At 12,30 PM we arrived in Casper and had lunch at Five Guys. I was texting Enzo to let him know that we arrived in Casper "we will have lunch at Five Guys" and he answered "at five?" it was hilarious because he thought I wanted to eat at 5 PM.

After lunch we arrived at Giulia's house where we met Enzo and Lucia. We left our stuff and then decided what we wanted to do. We left the house and walked half an hour to Walmart. At Starbucks Irem's started to teach us some turkish pronunciations, soo if you did not know it is not an easy language! We spoke about some parts of girl's body (I don't remember the reason so yeah, move on). There was a guy a little weird, he was probably skyping or face timing someone, but it seemed he was laughing without at his phone a reason.

Giulia, Anita, Irem, Enzo, Me & Lucia.

We came back home and ate, ate and ate. Meanwhile we also remembered to play the game we were supposed to and to listen to music (pretzels are addicting). After that we went bowiling, I won both games, I closed the first with a strike and 74 points; I started the second with a few strikes and spares and concluded with a strike and 123 points. Enzo arrived second with 97 points and it was his first time playing, awesome!

At this point, after a turkish rap song by Irem, Anita had to go home and we ended up eating spaghetti at 11 PM. We started speaking about a bunch of stuff that just people who travel, expecially by themselves, can understand. It was 3:30 in the morning when we realized that we weren't going to watch a movie. We went to bed but basically when I got up at 9 I felt like I did not sleep at all, we had breakfast and went to the hot tub, we did not have bubbles for like 3 minutes and Irem was freaking out enough to go to the reception and complain about it hahahahah.

We went to the Ice Arena for having lunch and skating but since there was a party going on we ended up eating nachos. Skating was fun, when I went in Denver for some reasons I couldn't stay on my feet, and in Milan I skated a bunch of times.

Me and Irem did not have a ride on Sunday so we had to leave after skating, It wasn't fun. The day lasted 1 second. We had to drive 3 hours, we almost ran out of gas too so we had to drive back to the nearest station. We had enchiladas for dinner, we played a game and after that we saw vines and skyped with the guys in Casper, we missed them.

In the morning I could sleep in and then we left and had lunch in Centerra, where we had chinese food. After this meeting I started thinking how is it possible that it's already march? Yeah I'm going to Mexico, East and West Coast, but when all of that will be gone it will be time for me to go home. I miss it, I miss my friends and my city, my liberty to catch the bus or train and go everywhere whenever I want, but am I ready to leave the people I met here? When I will be able to see them again? I don't know, I feel weird about that, so the only thing I can do it's forget about it and enjoy my time.

- Cris